Starting Over in Life…Again

What’s helping & what’s not

Alicia Joy
2 min readApr 12, 2024
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

I haven’t kept a score of how many times I’ve started over in life.

New location, new career, new relationship, new business, etc.

Regardless of the number of times, the beginning stages never get easier. Especially with age.

This feels natural.

I suppose as we age, we gain a deeper sense of time-consciousness. We become acutely aware that we won’t have as many opportunities to start over moving forward.

But it’s not all negative.

Like most of life, things that seem negative are often positive (and vice-versa).

Time-consciousness pushes us.

It pushes us to prioritize ourselves, our dreams, our focus.

It pushes us to prioritize the now.

I have a deeper sense of knowing that time is limited and procrastination is a losing game.

The question: ‘If not now, when?’ sounds more like a loud-speaker siren than a catchy slogan.

It’s an alarm bell to wake up.


At first, my current business ventures felt like a start-over. A new page.

Then I realized I’d be writing this book all along.

Isn’t that the case for all of us?

This makes starting over feel like a natural unfolding of my life

Things seem like new ventures, but every step we’ve taken has led us right to where we are at the present.

I’m not resisting the change or how I got here.

What I’m doing now is a culmination of years of seemingly disparate situations, experiences, and learnings.

It all comes together, as they say.

And that awareness is helping me move forward. Instead of looking at it like a massive change, it’s a natural progression of my overall journey.

It’s not a fresh start, it’s more of a continuation.

Same journey, different tools, a weathered map, and fresh eyes.

Let’s see where this road leads.

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Alicia Joy

I'm an over-thinker. I also love going down rabbit holes. I write stories about topics that make me (over)think or musings from my rabbit-hole adventures.